Support Services
At TSG we have a monicure, "we support everything we sell". This is a bit antiquated in a world where the product and supply chain rule, but we feel part of the product is actually supporting the integration and usage of the offering. This ranges from installation to simple questions regarding usage, setting defaults, and ongoing troubleshooting. These services can not only be set up with TSG directly, but by many of our manufacturers as well.
Click the individual service below for more information:
Hardware Repair Services
We service the latest Zebra and Honeywell equipment while offering a variety of different service plans. Typical time and materials turnaround is one week, with quicker turns by request. Legacy equipment is also a specialty of ours, being that we still have access to many of the old manufacturers suppliers for parts. There is so much barcode and data collection equipment on the market it is very difficult to cater to it all, especially since many parts are proprietary. If this is the case we will steer you toward one of our manufacturers, or a reliable third party that can take care of your service needs.
Hot Spare Program
When we enter into contractual obligations its necessary to keep customers up to date 24/7 in
many cases. Equipment, software, and connections are not always as dependable as you would like.
This is where the hot spare program comes in. We stock a pre-determined amount of equipment specific customers are using for quick turnaround, so there is a minimum of downtime. We frequently will load software, emulation clients, and set defaults to pre-determined constraints so units are plug and play when they arrive.
Managed IT Services (SOTI, SOS)
Today, on site analysis and monitoring is a thing of the past. Using a variety of tools, we can manage your software and monitor its performance. We have the ability to push down new software and applications to wireless terminals, take control of your units for troubleshooting and maintenance, push down patches and firmware and literally manage thousands of units remotely. Printers and portable terminals are the majority of the remote monitoring, but we can perform the same service on IOT devices as well.
Managed Print Services
This term is defined as an automated inventory control system for all print media, which is addressed outside your facility. TSG will implement JIT (just in time) ordering and shipping procedures, and grouping analysis to take advantage of economies of scale and product consolidation, to minimize SKU’s. This process should drastically cut your inventory costs, as well as stockouts, while increasing cash flow. We have warehouse facilities available on the east coast, mid-west and west coast for timely delivery and freight cost reduction.
Although electronic media is the way of the world these days there is still a wide variety of printed product that needs to be inventoried, housed, disseminated and replenished. Many of our people have come from the form and label field where form inventory management was a necessity. Along with putting an inventory program in place to manage your consumables TSG can also perform grouping analysis when ordering to assure you are taking advantage of your economies of scale when ordering. Annual trend analysis allows us to group based on efficiencies and peaks/lulls to minimize inventories and capital outlay
On-Site Services
In many cases, on site service has become obsolete with the advent of mobile monitoring tools. Diagnostics can be done by phone, or we have the ability to dial into the unit, whether it is a portable terminal or printer, and take control of the unit for troubleshooting and repair purposes. Should the unit need to be repaired we can arrange a hot spare to be shipped, and the unit services through depot repair, or possibly arrange a service call. Equipment has become so inexpensive, in many cases its cost prohibitive to place a service call. Either way, we will do our best to accommodate you, and solve the problem.
Professional Services
We pride ourselves on bringing a vast amount of knowledge and experience to the table when addressing workflow and systems needs. Our average systems analyst has 25 years of experience in the barcode and data collection field, with not only a wealth of knowledge, but industry accreditations to back it up. Steramist implementation- One of our target markets, is Healthcare where sterility practices are a primary focus. After hundreds of hours of research we discovered a product completely safe to humans and animals that will bring a 6-log kill reflecting your sterility standards. A VHP formulation with only a 7% concentration, it is ideal for pharma, labs, cruise-lines or any areas that need to maintain a high level of cleanliness.
Training and Deployment Services
TSG is looking for long term relationships with all of our customers. In order to do this, we need to become a partner when addressing the systems and solutions that are deployed. In some instances, constant training is a necessity because of system changes, new implementations and employee turnover. We not only will manage the knowledge base needed for your personnel to perform effectively, but can take control of the rollout and deployment of products and services over the long run.