Contact TSG for Your Soft Computer Needs
The Technologies Solutions Group (TSG) has been supplying lab solutions to Soft Computer Consultants (SCC) for over a decade and is proud to provide the listed products on behalf of SCC. We are prepared to help your organization with any challenges it may face and develop a comprehensive proposal that meets your needs.
SATO CT4LX Thermal Transfer Printer
This printer primarily built for the healthcare environment is versatile enough to print medium to large volumes of labels in both a direct thermal and thermal transfer environment. With emulations available including ZPL it is a drop in solution to the Zebra printer offering. Available in anti- microbial, its options offer cutters, dispenser, and wireless. Extremely easy to load and maintain while incorporating on board videos to help the users with any issues they may face.
SATO PV2, PV3, PV4 Mobile Printers
Mobile printers designed to be carried by users such as phlebotomists and home health attending nurses, allows the users to print specimen labels on site seamlessly. Also, a drop in solution utilizing ZPL this offering includes remote monitoring and Bluetooth for easy wireless communications from your portable terminal. The offering comes in 2”, 3” and 4” models with a variety of mounts for med-carts and cars.
Datalogic GM4500 1D/2D Barcode Scanner
A solid state scanner offering that comes in multiple optics choices such as high density, standard, medium range and long range. Various interfaces have been written to append enterprise applications from Meditech, Cerner and EPIC to name a few. Available in both tethered and wireless options along with a 910 Mhz offering which will extend the broadcast range to 150 feet. Also available in an anti-microbial offering.
Datalogic RIDA Small Footprint 1D/2D Barcode Scanner
A scanner with the same capabilities as the GM-4500 but in a much smaller package. This is built to be carried in a clinical’s pocket or around their neck on a lanyard. Although small, battery life will take the user out for 18 hours consistently.
At TSG, we are systems analysts specializing in healthcare applications. Should you have any projects where you would like to deploy the latest equipment, RFID, Lean principles and workflow technology please feel free to call us. We would be glad to work in conjunction with SCC to formulate a solution.